My Practice is Moving to Guelph!

2020 has been a year of unprecedented challenges, change and we’ve been forced to reevaluate everyday life. In these times, my partner and I have been doing a lot of reflecting on what is most important to us and where we go from here. In a decision I did not see coming for a few…

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What to Expect at Your Massage Appointment During COVID-19

Many massage therapists have returned to work, myself included, and while there’s some semblance of normalcy being back at work, there are things that are different (and will be different for quite some time). I believe that people need manual therapy and touch now more than ever. The stress and uncertainty of these times, and…

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What is Pelvic Girdle Pain?

So I wanted to sit down and write to you all today about pelvic girdle pain (PGP) in pregnancy. This is pain that can be felt in the low back, buttock, hips and around the pubic bone and usually comes with the territory when you’re growing a human inside your uterus or after you’ve delivered…

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