Prenatal and Postpartum Acupuncture

Registered acupuncture for all stages of your pregnancy, labour prep and postpartum with MaryBeth Templeton, RAc, RMT.

Acupuncture for all stages of your pregnancy

Acupuncture is a safe, effective, drug-free treatment for many pregnancy related conditions. It can decrease discomfort during pregnancy and help prepare you for an efficient labour. Acupuncture sessions also provide a deeply relaxing experience during what can be a very busy and stressful time.

Early pregnancy to mid third trimester:
Relief for symptoms such as sciatica, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, hip pain, symphysis pubis pain, (aka lightning crotch!) and more.

Late pregnancy:
There’s an excellent birth preparation protocol to encourage an efficient labour, and a method to encourage a breech or occiput posterior baby to get into the best position for birth. We also continue to treat any discomfort, boost energy and calm the mind.

Labour preparation:
Weekly sessions beginning in week 36, or 4 weeks before a scheduled induction. Treatment promotes engagement, supports hormonal shift and tissue softening, and encourages cervical ripening.

Breech Presentation:
Begin treatment by week 34. We begin early to ensure baby has room to turn. One in office treatment to get you started, plus supplies and instructions to continue at home.

Occiput Posterior Presentation:
Can be combined with labour prep treatments in later weeks of pregnancy. Baby needs less room to pivot than in breech presentation.

registered acupuncture guelph

MaryBeth Templeton


Hi, I’m MaryBeth, or MB for short.

I’m pleased to be offering acupuncture to help you enjoy (or endure?) your pregnancy and have a positive birth experience.

Did you know that people fall asleep all the time during their acu sessions? My favourite compliment is the sound of someone snoring on my table.

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  • Initial Appointment (75 minutes) - $135
  • Follow-Up (60 minutes) - $105 (As of January 7th, 2025)
  • Follow-Up (45 minutes) - $90 (As of January 7th, 2025)
  • Follow-Up (15 minutes) - $25